
Ker nikoli ni prepozno za spremembe!


Welcome my body back!

Revija Rina

članki & kolumna v reviji Rina

ABC Zdravja

Članek o zdravi prehrani

…in številne druge navdihujoče zgodbe

Moje stranke z veseljem spregovorijo o svoji spremembi!

  • “Not only is Lisa an amazing cook/nutritionist with great ideas who I learned SO much from, but my one-on-one meetings with her where we would just ‘chat over tea’ were most inspirational.  I always left with a sense of confidence that I could do, or cook, anything!”
  • “I really like that it wasn’t about telling me what I should or had to do or when or how to do it, but more about providing all kinds of information to help me make the best decisions for me”

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